Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008


  1. Klik
  2. Klik Create Account (di bagian atas)
  3. Step 1, isikan alamat email Anda di kolom yang tersedia, klik submit.

Akan keluar pesan :

Your account activation code has been successfully sent to your e-mail

  1. Buka email, akan ada email yang bertajuk :

Liberty Reserve E-mail Verification Code

Kemudian copy paste verification code, masukkan ke kolom yang ada di Step 2.

Selanjutnya masuk ke halaman : Registration

Account Information

*Account Name isikan account name, biasanya nama Anda

↑ You must fill this field

Referred by (tidak usah diisi)

Security Information

*Password ketikkan gabungan angka dan huruf min. 8 karakter

↑ You must fill this field Passwords entered in wrong format. Please note that passwords must be at least 6 characters long and contain both - letters and numbers. We suggest to use virtual keayboard for added security.

Hide this keyboard

*Re-enter Password ulangi sekali lagi

↑ You must fill this field Passwords do not match. Please re-enter your passwords and make sure they match.

Hide this keyboard

*Login PIN (5 digits) masukkan angka min 5 digit, (tdk bisa diketik, hrs klik keyboard virtual yg ada di monitor)

↑ You must fill this field PIN is in wrong format. Please make sure your PIN is 5 digits long and try again.

Hide this keyboard

*Re-enter Login PIN (5 digits) ulangi sekali lagi

↑ You must fill this field Login pins you have provided do not match. Please re-enter login pins again and make sure they match.

Hide this keyboard

Security PIN Security pin will be generated automatically during registration process. *Security Question

↑ You must fill this field misalnya Anda pilih ini (hewan favorit)

or write your own *Answer masukkan jawabannya, misalnya kuda

↑ You must fill this field

*Personal welcome message ketikkan kalimat ucapan pembuka, yg mana kalimat ini akan muncul setiap anda login, misalnya : Selamat dan sukses

↑ You must fill this field

Selanjutnya isi data pribadi sesuai KTP / ID anda.

Personal Information

*First Name nama depan

↑ You must fill this field

*Last Name nama belakang (kalau tidak ada nama belakang tambahkan saja nama keluarga atau orang tua)

↑ You must fill this field

Company Name *E-mail isikan alamat email anda

You have entered an invalid e-mail address. Please check your e-mail address and try again. This e-mail already exists in our database. Please use a different e-mail address or login if you already have a Liberty Reserve account.

*Address isikan dgn alamat sesuai KTP

↑ You must fill this field

*City kota

↑ You must fill this field

*Country *State/Region , misalnya Sumut

*Zip/Postal Code kode pos

↑ You must fill this field

*Phone no tlp / HP

↑ You must fill this field

*Date of Birth isikan tgl lahir, (bulan – tgl lhr – thn lhr)

If you agree with Terms of Our Service click "Agree" to complete the registration.

Selanjutnya klik Agree

Akan muncul halaman data Login, password, PIN dan Security PIN beserta data yg sudah Anda isikan tadi. Ini tidak bisa di copy paste, harap di simpan di buku catatan Anda baik-baik.

Registration is Complete


Without the following information you will not be able to login to your account and send payments!

The following image contains your new Liberty Reserve account number and security PIN along with the information you provided during registration.

Please write down the following account details. This information will NOT be e-mailed to you for security reasons.

Acount name :

Accoun number :

Password :

Login PIN :

Security PIN :

Security question :

Answer :

Date of birth :

Email :

Phone :

Address :

City :

Country :

State / Region :

Zip / Postal Code :

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